Ready to scale your Copywriting?

Let's have a look.

Watch our "Features in Action" to get an impression how the tool will really make your content team happy!

Our Integrated System for Data2Text Automation combines all tools and processes needed by your copy-writing team into a globally unique platform.


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2024-04-19 - Automated Output on any Scale v4


Automated Output on any Scale

Create, update and localize high-quality text based on data – our customers produce millions of text pieces each day.

Your texts are configured, messages and rules are approved. That's how generating various texts works. Is is a matter of minutes. If you have to correct something, simply generate the new texts. 

☜  watch a user generating 22340 texts

2024-04-19 - Automated Output on any Scale v4


Never have outdated content again

Every product update triggers a new copy - for free!

Data changes and so do the product statements? No matter how often and why you need to optimize or change the product description you can generate uptodate texts at any time for free. That's simply amazing because now, you can improve your product descriptions by a push on a button for more conversion! 

2024-06-03 - Multiply your content to all Channels v2


Multiply your content to all Channels

Get unique long copy for all of your channels

You need your product descriptions for different channels? But oh no, there are so many different specifications, for example for text lengths. No problem with the data2text writing hub. You can manage different specifications and create variants within this rules. Some of our customers just love AX Semantics because of this feature! 

2024-06-19 - Ready for Company-wide deployments and large teams v2


Ready for Company-wide deployments and large teams

Our Multi-user editing platform allows live editing for multiple users, without locking or risk of overwriting each others work.

Easily collaborate in the writing hub without the hassle of overwriting. This means that your SEO, translator, conversion expert or whoever you need to create the perfect product description can work seamlessly hand in hand. 

2024-04-19 - Integrated research v3


Integrated Research

Empower your Copywriters to become Authors and reduce demand on your domain experts: the integrated research tools help you to identify key aspects that can be inferred from your data.

Knowing what is important for a product is the be-all and end-all for a good product description. But where can you find product experts and good copywriters in one place? AI supports the research process and simplifies copywriting enormously.  

2024-04-19 - Orchestrate AI output like GPT with human-once oversight v2


Orchestrate AI output like GPT with human-once oversight

Use "controlled GPT" in a brand-consistent and safe manner to create variations

Keep your copywriter in the loop, but before scaling out. You can change or adapt any letter suggested by the AI. You will do this before you generate many texts, so you can be sure of what you are getting. 

2024-04-19 - Use Controlled GPT to inspire your human copywriter v2


Use "Controlled GPT" to inspire your human copywriter

Based on your data, your copywriters get dynamic suggestions, empowering their creativity, while keeping precise control

No more white paper syndrome. Use GPT integration for dynamic suggestions. Get inspired and start creating your product messaging with ease. And most importantly, you can approve them before they are generated! This is your ticket to scale.

2024-06-04 - Scale your Domain Expertise across all products v1


Scale your Domain Expertise across all products

Get detailed description of features of your products into your copy - and keep that updated without additional work.

Easily integrate the product expertise into your copy by having centrally described features that automatically get updated. 

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ML-assisted Translation

Our integrated "ML-assisted Translation" allows your editors to work efficiently, while maintaning control about translation details

Speed up the translation process with the integrated DeepL. Each rule is automatically adopted so that translators only have to work on improving the translation draft. 

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Never have outdated translations again

Since translation logic is linked to your data, every change of information is multiplied into all languages at the same time.

Acutality in all languages is no longer a luxury. You can automatically keep your product texts up to date in all languages. This is because the logics are adapted in all languages so that the updates are also made in the other languages. 

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Translation Workflow for Managing your i18n and l10n Process

With Translation Packages you gain an environment where translators and editors can seamlessly work together

Central specifications for the translators set the framework for the subsequent output. The approval process is regulated in the system. Translators can communicate directly with editors and clarify queries quickly. The progress of translations is transparent. All of this leads to fast and high-quality localization of your product descriptions.

2024-06-18 - Generate publish-ready documents for the web v3


Generate publish-ready documents for the web.

Generate complex documents like PDPs, with markup support ranging from Markdown to HTML, including cross-media output.

You can define the rules! This means you can set any rule that will help you automate the steps of text creation. Subheadings, bold, lists - you can define how the text should be output according to your CSS. So you just create the text and it will appear in your media as you have defined it. 

2024-05-22 - Automate all your human work v3


Automate all your human work

Broaden your use of Copy, and use AX to get content into different outlets: e.g. Product titles, meta-descriptions or your eSignage in Retail

Do you have SEO, conversion or length specifications? Do you need different versions of the same context? With AX Semantics, this is easy to manage thanks to central rules that help create the text in the versions you need.  

2024-06-05 - Ensure grammatical correctness in 110 languages v1


Ensure grammatical correctness in 110 languages

Our algorithmic NLG processing, ensures your grammatically correct output, even down to regional dialects. Powered by our product, and already proven for hundreds of clients - no setup needed.

Annotations, articles or other rules of a language are stored in AX Semantics. This ensures that correct grammatical adjustments are made in all languages when texts are produced in different variants.

2024-06-03 - Fulfill Real-Time needs v1


Fulfil Real-Time needs

If your business requires real-time copy, our Direct API is here to provide - with 50ms suitable for live integrations.

Instant copy for fast businesses: Our direct API enables you to generate copy and publish it in real-time. 



Self-Service Data Transformation

Enable your copywriters to do all necessary data cleansing and extraction in a self-reliant manner.

There is no need to wait for your IT department. You can transform your data the way you need it to create automatic texts. Your progress is independent from your IT services. 



No limits in data manipulation

Our turing complete data manipulation allows for all data work to scale across your whole breadth of content. No barriers for the future.

With AX Semantics you can do all kinds of data transformation, but you decide how much of it you need.