Industry solutions in cooperation with our managed service provider uNaice

Appealing and error-free reporting through automation

Together with our partner uNaice, we offer a solution for content and data challenges that is specially tailored to publishers. From a single source.
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uNaice combines the expertise for all processes of reporting and AX Semantics in one hand

The AX Semantics-certified Gold Solution Partner from the very beginning, supports companies as a managed service provider and integrator in the implementation of customer-specific solutions, with industry and solution expertise as well as know-how for data preparation and implementation in AX Semantics - all up to a "Fully Managed Service". (1)


Automation of daily reports

By using AX Semantics to automate COVID-19 reports, delivered more than 25,000 article updates for more than 400 regions in Germany and reached a local audience of more than 800,000 new visitors per month. Using DataCater to build and manage data pipelines, saves approximately 40% of the time otherwise spent manually building code. 


Automated Sports Reports and Live Fine Dust Reporting at Stuttgarter Zeitung

The reports on fine dust and sports are of a high-quality, as they are built according to set rules and the data provided. The live information on current air quality in the Stuttgart region is always up-to-date and doesn't need input of any journalists.



Quick and automated thousands of election analyses

As of today, APA has automated thousands of election texts on European, national, regional and even hyperlocal level. The agency creates one text for every municipality in every single election. Therefore, the demand quantity of content varies according to the type of election from about 69 to 2,200 texts. Due to the automation, hyper localization is not an issue anymore and can be carried out in a flash.

Increased visibility and readership

Detailed reporting in natural language from your data

Get traffic back to your site with content that matters

Data analysis and NLG integration

  • We go beyond pure data analysis. We obtain the necessary data, check it, prepare it and model it with a suitable data set for your needs.

Integration of static information

  • Static information adds relevance as it creates certain data constellations. We integrate this data to make your reporting even more meaningful.

Detailed reporting in natural language

  • Based on the data, we generate natural language texts that provide a wealth of information – and you still retain textual sovereignty.

Advantages and benefits

  • Texts are generated fully automated
  • More traffic through comprehensive reporting, increased visibility and a larger readership
  • Additional relevance through static information, data is interpreted and special features highlighted, different perspectives at the touch of a button
  • Simple internationalisation and localisation, translation into other languages and national dialects
  • Quality assurance, use of reliable data sources

uNaice Integration

And this is how it works

Example football match reports

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