True relief

Full control of retail and catalogue content

Product titles, price tags on the shelf or in-store advertising - a system that automatically fulfils the various requirements of retail media for product texts in different languages in a controlled manner.

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XXXLutz is able to handle the specific requirements, such as length restrictions on price tags or packaging, automatically - a major efficiency gain.

Our customers appreciate the fact that content requirements for the various retail media can be both specifically defined and fulfilled 100% automatically.

Various media

Packaging for product despatch, price tags, in-store displays, product descriptions for online shops - everything comes with different content requirements that XXXLutz can fulfil efficiently and in line with media requirements.


You can produce all the content you need for your product catalogue in several languages. XXXLutz currently produces texts in 3 languages. 

Wir schaffen Möglichkeiten
Potenziale auszuschöpfen

Start automating your catalogue content now.

Automate your workflows, your product content creation for all retail media and get a system that allows you the precise control of various text requirements.

Novel Preisschild
Preisschild automatisierte Längenbeschränkungen der Produkteigenschaften
Esoposa Preisschild
Handtuch Preisschild-1
Beschreibung im Produktetikett
Regal Preisschild-1
Beschreibung am Regal
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Our approach. Flexibility

You need a system that allows you to control content while giving you the flexibility to respond to different requirements.


All media

No matter what requirements a medium has, you can define the specifications centrally and produce unique copies in any volume. An automation system that allows you to control specific requirements, such as length restrictions, enables you to operate channel sales successfully.


Multiple languages

5 media x 7 languages? With automation, you can handle every language and every medium without further ado. And no matter what comes next, with automation you can expand media and languages while keeping a similar level of effort. That's scaling. 



Boost your time to market to an unbeatable level. It takes just 10 seconds from the new data record to the publication of the new product descriptions, the dispatch with the accurately labelled packaging or the correct signage on the shop floor. 



Reacting quickly to changes is challenging with large volumes. With an automated system of product descriptions for the various channels, you can roll out new specifications or other modifications in the context of product descriptions to thousands of products in seconds. 



An automated and controllable system enables texts to be created, adapted and optimised as efficiently as possible in their respective required versions.

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Welcome to the Flow

Noch mehr Product Listing Pages und Kategorieseiten unserer Kunden.


Mytheresa automatisiert Kategorieseiten Die Sichtbarkeit für die wichtigsten Keywords hat sich um 80% erhöht.


adidas erstellt und aktualisiert automatisiert Kategorietexte in vielen Sprachen weltweit.
Be just as successful as our customers

A few statements from our enthusiastic fans

  • Thanks to AX Semantics, generating product descriptions for a product group of 5,000 items and more becomes a breeze.
    Niels Willaert
    Product Marketing Specialist at TVH
  • With AX Semantics, we can take what we used to do internally with a lot of Excel and a lot of extra work and put it into an automated process, which of course scales completely differently.
    Andreas Serra
    Team Leader Engineering Data Service at Misumi
  • We achieve 57% more conversions thanks to automated product descriptions.
    Stephan Bayer
    Managing Director, Metav Werkzeuge GmbH
  • Without automated text creation, it would be impossible to write descriptions for's huge range of products.
    Bernd Vermaaten
    CEO von
  • Great support and a smart product that get results - it moves your bottom line!
    Chris Hanage
    MD at Nextville Limited
  • Our automated product descriptions are indistinguishable from manually written ones.
    Vanessa Wurster
    Head of E-Commerce & Online Marketing and Lisa Bleser, Team Leader Online Marketing
  • Thanks to automated text creation, we can write thousands of unique product descriptions in 17 languages.
    Jakob Høy Biegel
    CEO of Skatepro

Other Best Practices.

Product texts and PDPs

Automate your entire product portfolio and all elements of a product detail page

Multilingual product texts

Your product texts localised for all markets - for your international sales!