Utilise the strength of our experts

We are here for you

You are not alone when you start text automation with AX Semantics. Your personal Customer Success & Services Manager will guide you through the first steps.
Our experienced Services team will set up your text performance project and ensure seamless integration and top performance.

Our team
will help you succeed

with your content goals and your business

Our team
shares knowledge and expertise with you

for efficient and scalable text performance

Our team
manages projects efficiently

by monitoring project schedules, resources and results

We invest in your success

We're behind you every step of the way. From onboarding to optimisation and beyond. With our technology and expertise, we help you to reach your goals.


We support you personally for a good start - from set-up to implementation. With various tools, resources and proven methods.


Your users are well trained to get started, easily expanding or setting up their own projects in AX Semantics smoothly.

On-demand support via Live-Chat

If you have a question about the implementation of your text project, please feel free to use the platform chat at any time and write us your request.

Personalized help from a dedicated AX expert

Setup of your text-performance project by our Expert Copywriting and Solution Architects. We help you and show you how to achieve auto-updating copy step by step. Texts for the Partial Scope are finalized and ready to go live.
Training on projects for all of your team members via pair development with our experts. Most topics we are working on:

  • text conception
  • data analysis
  • implementation into AX NLG Cloud
  • Using Chat GPT als help for text creation
  • Translation with AX deepl integration
  • Connecting to our API for auto-updating content

Managed service providers (MSP)

We have a pool of partners for various solutions e.g. agricultural engineering, automotive, publishing as well as languages e.g. japanese to help you to setup all your text automation projects with AX. There will be always an AX Project Manager by your side as main contact for all purposes.

Leveraging our Managed Service Partners (MSPs) allows us to seamlessly extend our capabilities. Here are some key areas:

  • Native Translators: Our MSPs bring linguistic and localized expertise, ensuring accurate and culturally sensitive translations. 
  • On-Site Experts: Need hands-on support? Our MSPs can deploy experts directly to your location. 
  • Specialized Skills: MSPs offer niche skills that complement our core services.
  • Scalability: When demand spikes, MSPs provide scalability. They seamlessly adapt to your needs, while management stays with AX Professional Services.

Our Customer Success & Services Team

Danijela Weißgraeber
Danijela Weißgraeber
Head of Customer Success & Services
Peter Schmitt
Peter Schmitt
Customer Success & Implementation Manager
Andreas Zeitler
Andreas Zeitler
Senior Project Manager
Vitaliia Voronik
Vitaliia Voronik
Customer Success & Implementation Manager
Alexandra Waldleitner
Alexandra Waldleitner
Customer Success & Implementation Manager
Nyam Davaasambuu
Nyam Davaasambuu
Customer Success & Implementation Manager
your success
our expertise

Schritt für Schritt zum Ziel mit unseren Experten

Schritt 1:
Erstelle erste automatisierte Texte

AX Professional Services richtet die AX NLG Cloud für die erste Kategorie ein, die für die automatische Aktualisierung der Texte verwendet werden soll.

Schritt 3:
Onboarding deines Teams

Beim Pair Programming wird eine andere Kategorie durch das AX Professional Services Team implementiert, das von deinem Team unterstützt wird.
Besonderheiten des Pair Programming:

  • Die Teilnehmer erlernen die Planung und Erstellung von Regelwerken, die Besonderheiten der Content-Erstellung für auto-aktualisierende Texte für Ihre spezifische Implementierung der AX NLG Cloud.
  • Technische Umsetzung des Projekts in AX NLG Cloud, verbinden von Datenfeldern, etc.
  • Schulung zu Qualitätssicherungsmaßnahmen: Verwendung und Erstellung von Testobjekten, Testen von Projekten auf Fehler usw.
  • Texterstellung
  • Unterschiede beim Import und Export mit einer Nicht-API- vs. einer API-Verbindung
  • Übersetzen in Fremdsprachen
  • Demonstration der Funktionen zur Generierung fremdsprachiger Texte
  • Begleitung der Mitarbeiter bis zum Abschluss der Schulung, einschließlich der Übersetzung in eine andere Sprache.
Schritt 2:
Erzeuge Inhalte in einer weiteren Sprache

Das in Phase 1 erstellte Regelwerk wird in eine andere Sprache übersetzt.
AX Professional Services richtet für dich die AX NLG Cloud ein, die für die automatische Aktualisierung der Texte in eine andere Sprache genutzt werden kann.

Schritt 4:
Begleitung der AX-Software
AX Professional Services unterstützt dich mit technischem Support auf 2nd- und 3rd-Level-Basis, der Kunden bei komplexen technischen Problemen zur Seite steht. Der strategische und operative Projekt-Support bietet Anleitung und Unterstützung für Projekte. Bei Bedarf ist auch eine Weiterbildung in Form eines Workshops möglich.
Be just as successful as our customers

A few statements from our enthusiastic fans

  • Thanks to AX Semantics, generating product descriptions for a product group of 5,000 items and more becomes a breeze.
    Niels Willaert
    Product Marketing Specialist at TVH
  • With AX Semantics, we can take what we used to do internally with a lot of Excel and a lot of extra work and put it into an automated process, which of course scales completely differently.
    Andreas Serra
    Team Leader Engineering Data Service at Misumi
  • We achieve 57% more conversions thanks to automated product descriptions.
    Stephan Bayer
    Managing Director, Metav Werkzeuge GmbH
  • Without automated text creation, it would be impossible to write descriptions for billiger.de's huge range of products.
    Bernd Vermaaten
    CEO von billiger.de
  • Great support and a smart product that get results - it moves your bottom line!
    Chris Hanage
    MD at Nextville Limited
  • Our automated product descriptions are indistinguishable from manually written ones.
    Vanessa Wurster
    Head of E-Commerce & Online Marketing and Lisa Bleser, Team Leader Online Marketing
  • Thanks to automated text creation, we can write thousands of unique product descriptions in 17 languages.
    Jakob Høy Biegel
    CEO of Skatepro
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